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Communication Skills Workshops

Workshops are customized for each client.
Training sessions range from two hours to a full-day.

On-Camera Training: Learn to determine and deliver your messages through practice interviews that include video recording. [This small-group workshop adapts to a larger group by omitting video.]

"Selling" Your Story: Learn to quickly and easily go beyond the traditional press release and capture the media's attention.

Creating Powerful Messages: Examine ten key elements to successfully get your message across in interviews with print, television, radio or online media.

Storytelling: Practice telling your story briefly and compellingly so it resonates with a variety of audiences.

Target Practice: Work in teams to develop key messages and talking points that promote your organization's goals.

Interview Worksheet: Learn to use this simple tool to prepare for any interview or presentation, including developing your organization's key messages.

Bridging Techniques: Learn how to answer "questions you wish no one would ask."


Workshop Descriptions


Media Spokesperson / Presentation Training

Targeted framing and message development: Work in teams to develop key messages and talking points that promote your organization's goals.

Ten Steps for effective media interviews: Discover the key elements to successfully get your message across when interviewed by the press.

Developing key messages for target audiences: Develop key messages and talking points that promote your organization's goals..

Interview work sheet: Prepare for an interview, including creating talking points as well as brief and compelling stories that promote your objectives..

Bridging techniques: How to answer "Questions you wish no one would ask."

Media spokesperson workbook.


Attracting Media Coverage

Overview: Understand the media's perspective, learn how to capture the media's attention and develop story ideas that resonate with the press.

What makes a good story? Learn the key elements of stories that attract the media's attention and forward your organization's goals.

Understand different types of media: Analyze how to successfully approach print, television, radio and web-based media.

Message development: Create "bite size" messages for specific audiences using word pictures and the "message triangle."

Pitching your story to the press: Toss the old-fashioned press release and find new and better ways to capture reporters' attention.

Key points for working with journalists: Ten steps for effective media outreach.

Media Outreach Workbook


Target practice: Getting your message to your audience

Matching the message to your audience: Develop appropriate messages for stakeholders who interact with people from diverse backgrounds.

Key population groups: The "melting pot" of the United States is filled with different population groups – ethnic, religious, regional and sexual orientation, for example – and each population group perceives issues from its own perspectives. Learn to identify population-specific messages to ensure your messages reach their target audiences.

The audience grid: Use this simple tool to identify the perspectives of individual audiences/population groups. Highlight your organization's goals for that audience. Develop the messages that resonate with each audience, and select the communication vehicles most likely to reach each audience.

Messaging Workbook.


Storytelling basics for community members and line staff

Storytelling: Learn why telling a compelling story is important to further your organization's goals.

Components of a good story: Understand how to make sure your story is directed to a specific audience – funders, legislators, the media, families, and more.

The W's: Who was involved, What happened, Where your organization made a difference, What was the result?

Storytelling worksheet: Learn to use this simple worksheet to prepare your story.

Key messages: Specific points you want to get across.

Storytelling Workbook.


Communicating in a crisis

Building a crisis communications team: The importance of building the appropriate internal group to manage crises before they occur.

Chain of command: Learn to develop and identify a quick response and a workable approval system.

Crisis scenarios: Learn to use a template to identify potential crises for your organization, personnel required to address each crisis, crisis-specific key messages and community relations.

Ten steps for effective crisis communications: Becoming a community resource, speaking to the press and diverting potentially negative attention.

Crisis workbook.


Strategic Communications Planning

This workshop can be adapted to become a facilitated meeting for an organization's staff, leading to the development of a strategic communications plan.

Overview: Comprehend strategic communication planning's role in meeting organizational goals.

State your goals: Identify what you need to accomplish through communications.

Strengths: Analyze the organization's strengths.

Challenges: Analyze the barriers to success.

Stakeholder identification and analysis: Learn how to use the "audience grid" – identify each target audience and its perspectives; develop audience-specific goals and messages targeted to resonate with each audience; and create audience-specific communication vehicles.

Strategies to achive goals: Concrete strategies to meet your organization's communication objectives.

Action plan: Tactics to support strategies.

Evaluation: Developing a system to measure results.

Strategic communications planning workbook.


All About Branding

Brand identity: Understand brand identity and how to take the first steps in developing your organization's brand.

Core values: Identify the words and concepts that describe the heart of your organization.

Brand message: Develop the one key message (an "elevator speech") that describes your organization and its mission.

Brand personality: Find the overall tone and attitude – the emotional component – to support delivery of the brand message.

Brand elements: Identify the words and images that effectively deliver the brand message.

Branding workbook.